Please find below the frequently asked questions about honey, its uses and benefits. If you have a specific question which is not answered below, please email your question at info@kejriwalhoney.com

What is Honey?

Honey is a sweetfood made by bees using nectar from flowers. The variety produced by honey beesis the one most commonly referred to and is the Types of Honey collected by beekeepers and consumed by humans. Honey is primarily composed of nearly equal proportions of fructose and glucose, but also contains minerals, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins etc.

Is All Honey The Same?

No, there are many varieties and flavors of honey. Depending on the floral source from where the honey is collected, e.g. Acacia, Brassica, Eucalyptus, Lychee, Sunflower, Wild Forest etc.

Why Are Some Honeys Liquid And Some Crystallized?

The consistency of the honey depends primarily in the sugar composition of the nectar collected from the flora source. If the nectar has more Fruit Sugar (Fructose), the honey tends to remain liquid for longer. But if the honey has a higher Sucrose content, it will crystallize faster.

How do you Best Store Honey and Prevent Liquid Honey From Crystallizing?

Honey should be best stored in a cool, dark, dry place. Since honey is very hygroscopic in nature, it should be always stored in a sealed container. Sometimes Honey tends to crystallize. This is a Natural process and does not affect the quality of the honey. To liquefy the honey, kindly heat in water bath or put it out in the sun. Please ensure that the temperature of the honey does not go beyond 50 degrees Celsius, so that natural flavor or attributes of the honey is not disturbed.

Is Honey Healthier Than Sugar?

Honey consists of nearly 80% Natural Sugar – Fructose and Sucrose, which easily passes into the blood to provide energy. Unlike refined sugar, honey also contains various Proteins – Minerals, Vitamins, Enzymes etc, which make honey a valuable natural sweetener.

Should Individuals With Diabetes Eat Honey?

Honey is a natural sweetener and can be given to Diabetics in moderation. Honey with high fruit sugar (Fructose) can be given as it stabilizes blood sugar and lowers HbA1c levels, something refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) cannot do. After ingestion, honey is converted directly into liver glycogen and does not result in the formation of triglycerides (fatty acids). Honey does not trigger an immediate or excessive insulin release which results from the consumption of most artificial sweeteners, and thus does not promote fat production, fat storage, and weight gain commonly associated with the use of these products.
It is however recommended that the use of honey in a Diabetic Diet should be under the consultation of the Doctor.

Is Honey Safe for Infants?

As with any raw, unprocessed food, honey is not recommended for infants whose immune systems are not fully developed. However, from the age of One year, children can easily enjoy honey.

Does Honey Spoil or go bad? Does it have an Expiry?

Honey stored in sealed containers can remain stable for decades and even centuries! However, honey is susceptible to physical and chemical changes during storage; it tends to darken and lose its aroma and flavor or crystallize. Honey never spoils and has an unlimited shelf life but for practical purposes, a shelf life is often stated.
Some Honey found in Egyptian Pyramids dating back to 3200 B.C. is still edible!!

How Much do the Bees have to Work to Produce 1 Kilogram of Honey?

About 3 kilograms nectar is required to produce 1 kilogram of Honey. A bee needs to fly to about 10 million flowers to collect this amount of nectar. A bee will travel for approximately 40,000 kilometers, or almost once around the Earth to get you that 1 kilogram honey on the table!!