Kejriwal Honey has a range of honey and honey related brands which are acclaimed globally. However, the services of the organization extend beyond the self owned brands of the organization. The company also serves various private label honey players in the industry who require its services.
Many retailers and sellers of honey restrict their dealings to the marketing and distribution of honey; and thus, require an experienced and recognized manufacturer of the product to help them with the manufacturing part. We have been into this business since a long period of time and provide these marketers of honey with the best destination for claiming the highest quality of honey at the most competitive rates in the industry.
The honey is produced according to the requirements provided to us by the clients and the same is retained with the packaging of the same too. The size of the packs, as also the type of pack to be used, is decided with the consent of the firm to whom the honey is being delivered. All of this is done under the banner of the private player, to provide it with the maximum branding opportunity through our products.
If you are looking for more information and product details, please feel free to submit either our online enquiry form or email us at